6 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees: The Tradition

white rabbit sitting left stuffed

Why 6 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees are a Traditional Favorite

Many people think that the idea of having a tree in their home is something that they invented just a few years ago. You don’t think that these could have been around for centuries! However, this year while you are putting up your 6 foot artificial Christmas trees, take the time to appreciate how far we have come…from using live trees that are wasteful to using these beautiful 6 foot artificial Christmas trees that are perfect for just about any home…and they will last from year to year with the proper care.

The 6 foot artificial Christmas trees are a great example of what we think of as a modern Christmas tree. However, ancient Romans would decorate spruce and fir trees with lighted candles and trinkets…so many give credit to them for this tradition. However, if you really want to look at the modern tree, we can give the Germans thanks for this. Many people state that during the 8th century, the Germans were cutting down trees to decorate for the Christmas holiday.

Choosing the Best 6 Foot Artificial Christmas Tree for Your Home

Furthermore, many state that Martin Luther is the father of the modern day Christmas tree that we utilize, as he was said to have been so inspired by the stars at night that he had cut down a tree and then stuck candles on this so he could bring this beauty into his home. The English adopted the custom of having a tree up during the late 1800’s.

So, which is the truth? No one really knows, as these are all stories that have been passed down from century to century. However, we think it is okay to state that the use of trees are something that have been going on for centuries, and we keep improving upon this and making it more beautiful year after year.

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